Bus Hour.
Using live tracking technology to help transit riders gain control over their time again.
Project Goals
Give the users a clear and easy way to visually track their busses
Display clear and simple ways to negate through the app
Allow ETA’s for estimated arrival times, walking distances, and travel time
Show users the listing of bus arrival times, and chronological arrivals at bus stops.
Live Tracking
Allow users of all types to negate the app swiftly and smoothly
The Problem
The Solution
Transit riders in a metropolitan area are having issues identifying their busses, knowing an accurate ETA of transit arrival, and knowing an accurate ETA of travel time (i.e. walking to the bus stop)
Using live tracking technology to view the users intended bus on a mobile app, having access to a log of all busses arriving at their stops, along with their ETA.
Roles and Responsibilities
- Learn pain points and issues of transit users
- Research the issues of what I’ve learned and create solutions
- Demo prototypes to users and ideate and reiterate
- Identify what went wrong and how I can fix it in the future
All transit users that use mobile apps for the means of navigating their transportation in a metropolitan area.
Scope and Constraints
The biggest constraints through this project were time, accessibility to a wider audience, and general lack of knowledge on how the study should be followed correctly. This is my first case study and it was a learning process through and through.
I created a journey map that aligned with our user personas to get an idea of what their day to day travel could look like, based on their pain points.
User Surveys
I conducted a user survey that grossed over 70+ responses. Listed below are the results of the survey and what I learned.
Do you find it difficult to tell your busses apart?
How often is your bus’ arrival time accurate?
Is your ETA time to your destination accurate?
- 40% of avid users occasionally find it difficult to tell their busses apart
- 20% of avid users feel their busses ETA to their stop is rare
- 35% of avid users find the ETA of their journey to be rarely accurate.
- 60% of users use Apple Maps
Through the use of my research I was able to gain empathy and understanding of the users pain points when using transit transportation. Through the use of journey mapping, user surveying, user stories, and user personas I was able to take away key factors of the users struggles.
Competitive Analysis
Journey Map
Google Maps
City Mapper
I researched the weaknesses and strengths of competing products on the market to utilize comparison and find out what I could do better.
User Personas
User Stories
Based off the user personas above, I was able to make clear user stories that address a users pain point and what they desire out of transit riding.
Kay Takeaways
User Interviews
1a. What is the best feature your app has that helps your experience when riding the bus?
User 1: The ETA feature. It tells you roughly how long it will take to get there, and there are different options to the busses you choose to take at the time.
User 2: Definitely the simplicity of the app. It's simple and detailed.
2. Do you usually pre plan your routes, or look them up on the spot?
User 1: About 20 minutes before I have to leave anywhere, I will look up the bus route in case I need to walk far or there are delays. It’s not like it matters though, it’s always the same thing and I’m always waiting for too long. I’d rather be early than late but its so hot outside its annoying.
User 2: I always preplan routes. I look them up about 10 minutes prior to leaving and am already headed out to the nearest bus stop to me. There's not much you can do. If you miss the stop you have to wait and even if you're on time 9 times out of 10 theres a delay. It sucks.
1b. Follow up: Do you think it is lacking a feature? If so, what?
User 1: I wish I could see where the bus is in live time. Just like how Uber has it. The location of the bus can be inaccurate and it is spotty sometimes..
User 2: I hate that you can’t really predict delays. The app also lags and bus show up times can be off.
User Flows and Site Maps
Style Guide
Usability Testing
Having the bus icon change colors when selected.
1. What is the earliest bus you can catch for STOP 84? Washington and State?
2. How many minutes until BUS 84 arrives at STOP 84?
3. Go to the friends tab. Create an account. Go to Friends Map. Route to Vardan Hines location.
4. Go to favorites. Save your Home address to favorites.
5. Find your balance in your wallet.
6. Go to home. Type address into the bar. Route the fastest path. How many minutes until the bus arrives at the stop?
Having the bus stop icon change colors when selected.
Changing the walking line from solid to dotted for distuingishment.
User Testing One
User Testing Two
Changing the “friends” icon to keep all icons more synonymous to each other.
User Testing Three
Re-locating the live tracker to the top of the screen for a cleaner and aesthetically pleasing UI.
Key Takeaways and Lessons Learned
Being as this was my first case study to date, I learned very quickly what “not” to do throughout the whole process. I learned what is to be focused on and what can be put to the side for later. I also relearned components of a case study to be done different ways and learned how to best display them. I know in my next study I will be much more mindful of my time constraints more than anything. I will focus more on solely the requirements of my roles and responsibilities and not try to become overly ambitious and shoot myself in the foot. I am excited to see the difference between this case study and my next. Hopefully, I will be able to take what I know and apply it in a way that, creates a more well rounded study and product from my findings. I am excited from all of the learning that took place, and the knowledge I gained while on this journey,
- Projects aren’t about me and what I want. They are solely about the users.
- I need to run more usability testings, and iterate my ideas better.
- Focus more on the actual requirements, stay in the scope.
Key Takeaways
Lessons Learned